Pure Encapsulations Renual
Pure Encapsulations' RENUAL features Mitopure Urolithin A to support mitochondrial renewal, energy output, muscle function, and healthy aging.
Some of the potential benefits of using RENUAL may include:
- Supports mitochondrial renewal: Urolithin A is a metabolite of ellagitannin-rich foods, such as pomegranates and berries. It has been shown to enhance autophagy, the natural process of cellular renewal, including mitophagy, the clearance and recycling of older and dysfunctional mitochondria. Mitochondria are the "powerhouses of the cell" and their function is essential for healthy aging. Efficient rejuvenation of mitochondria supports energy production and the overall health of cells.
- Promotes energy production: Urolithin A has been shown to promote energy production in the muscles and fatty tissue. This may be due to its ability to improve mitochondrial function and fat metabolism.
- Supports muscle function: Urolithin A has been shown to support muscle function in both young and elderly individuals. This may be due to its ability to improve mitochondrial function and promote muscle protein synthesis.
- Promotes healthy aging: Urolithin A has been shown to support healthy aging by reducing oxidative stress and promoting healthy cytokine balance within the cells. It has also been shown to support energy production, neuronal health, neurogenesis, gut barrier function, and healthy joint collagen.
- Supports glucose and fat metabolism: Urolithin A has been shown to support glucose and fat metabolism by promoting healthy insulin function and lipid metabolism. This may be due to its ability to increase the expression of genes targeting fatty acid beta-oxidation, adipose tissue lipolysis, and insulin receptor function.