Fifty Places to Practice Yoga Before You Die by Chris Santella

  • $24.00

Fifty Places to Practice Yoga Before You Die is the latest addition to Chris Santella’s bestselling Fifty Places series. This guide features expert recommendations for the most stunning and inspiring yoga destinations worldwide, along with practical travel tips. Covering a range of styles—including Anusara, Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Restorative, and Vinyasa—it highlights breathtaking locations that offer unique and transformative yoga experiences, such as:

Haines, Alaska - Lake Louise, Alberta - Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica - Sedona, Arizona - Melbourne, Australia - Uluru, Australia - Austria, St. Anton - Nassau, Bahamas - Paro, Bhutan - Welgevonden Game Reserve/Tuli Reserve, Botswana - Salt Spring Island, British Columbia - Joshua Tree, California - Los Angeles, California - Ojai, California - San Francisco, California - Watsonville, California - Siem Reap, Cambodia - Torres Del Paine, Chile - Denver, Colorado - Nosara, Costa Rica - Malta, Europe - Islamorada, Florida - Lake Atilan, Guatemala - Kapaau, Hawaii - Maui, Hawaii - Goa, India - Mysore (Mysuru), India - Pune, India - Rishikesh, India - Bali, Indonesia - Val de Chio, Italy - Boston, Massachusetts - Stockbridge, Massachusetts - Tulum, Mexico - Helena, Montana - Taghazout, Morocco - Bagan, Myanmar - Pokhara, Nepal - Glenorchy, New Zealand - Popoyo, Nicaragua - Valdres, Norway - Palmer Rapids, Ontario - John Day River, Oregon - Oregon City, Oregon - The Sacred Valley, Peru - Siargao, Philippines - Olhão, Portugal - Unawatuna, Sri Lanka - Kho Phangan, Thailand - London, United Kingdom